Executive Function

Executive Function refers to a set of skills that people use every day to balance schedules, reduce stress, and find success. These skills allow students to complete homework or classwork, study for exams, plan ahead and meet project goals, display self-control, follow multiple-step directions even when interrupted, and stay focused despite distractions. Michelle has been working with IEP students in co-taught classrooms for many years, giving her the experience of Special Education teacher. ADHD and dyslexic students benefit from personalized instruction with Michelle through Facetime or Zoom when in person sessions are not an option. To keep students engaged, she uses Google Docs, Screen Sharing, and a Document Camera when necessary. Students can either work on school assignments or extracurricular work, depending upon their needs and interests.

Action Planning

Calendars. To Do Lists. Reminders. Planners. Michelle has plenty of tools to personalize how a student can successfully fight procrastination, build productive habits, and meet deadlines.

Build Confidence

Positive Self Talk. Fact vs. Fiction. Self Reflection. Michelle coaches students to change their thinking about schoolwork, school, and the ways they are intelligent. Education is deeply tied to a student’s emotional intelligence, and Michelle incorporates this into her sessions.

Finding a Balance

Work. Play. Study. Pause. Students discuss stressors and works to create time and space to relax within the demands of school, extracurriculars, and family.

Onging Support

Video chats. Calls. Texts. Emails. Home Visits. Michelle will work with students, parents, teachers, and school counselors to have cohesion in instruction and expectations. Many times, parents do not understand what teachers are asking. As a parent and teacher, Michelle can translate.

Students don't need a perfect teacher

They need a teacher who gets them excited about reading, writing, and thinking.
A teacher who smiles and makes them enjoy learning–each and every day.